2001.09.20 :: Prague, Czech Republic

Clown & Bard Hostel

Mihau and Ola were headed back to Poland so I decided to check out of the huge dorms and get back into a hostel, the infamous Clown and Bard.

The street that it is on is long and turns at one point so that the street is perpendicular to itself. Somewhat lost, I trekked around in full gear. But I did walk through some nice parks and got a great view of the [Fernsehturm] , the TV tower.

The Clown & Bard is a typical Bohemian hostel; very cool if you're all about letting the good times roll. Every night was a party; even more so because [Absinth] , derived from fermented worm mash, is legal in the Czech Republic. Also, because Prague is relatively cheaper than other European cities, there are quite a few [crazy people at the C&B] , [another] .

One night there was a [pianist] who could really play and he entertained us for hours.

James Cosper was one of the first guys that I met at the C&B. He was also from Cali and we hit it off well. We went out with some friends of his to the "Music Club," yeah that was really it's name. Westen, [Nicole, me and James] [Nicole, me and James] [9/11 Memorial] , [flowers and candles] , [interesting note from a deaf person]

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