2002.02.12 :: Blindenmarkt, Austria

Pitzel Schnitzel

[The Pitzel's] ( [celebrating their anniversary] ) make the best Schnitzel: [Sasuage wrapped in Bacon mit pommes und Pitzel Schnitzel]

My Austrian relatives are really involved with the community are are good friends with everyone in Blindenmarkt. On this night we were honored with [seats at the Pitzel kitchen table]. Notice that [Gerhard] has had a little too much and is sleeping it off! At one point he actually fell forward, smashing his head on the table, but we lifted hime back up and he picked up right where he left off... cutting logs.


Beau - What a great document you've put together! How many pictures did you take again??


» Grant Sautner on 2003.01.28/23:11GMT+1

Dieses site ist wünderschön -- und die bilder sind...wie sagt mann "beyond words" auf deutsch?

what a damn cool thing to experience -- and cooler still to share it so mit die ganze weld.


» christian on 2003.02.23/07:24GMT+1

Hallo,wie geht's muss sagen die Bielder sind wunderschoen. so wer war der urheber von dieser wunderbaren Reise?Ich habe eine schwester in Blindenmarkt und ich kenne Euch sehr gut war bei Euch letztes jahr , lebe in australien so gruesse an Euch alle und alles gute .gruss siegfried,

» siegfried kanic on 2003.06.29/02:54GMT+1


» ROBERT C A on 2004.03.29/03:11GMT+1

Hello, I live in Canada and decided to type my sur name Pitzel into Google search. This site came up and I found it interesting that there were Pitzels in Austria that I could see sitting at a kitchen table. My father's cousin Jerry Pitzel has done an extended family history on the Pitzel name and actually returned to Appetlon Austria to complete his research. He eventually published a hardcover history on our family dating back several generations from Austria. I think that it is neet that I am 4th generation Canadian Pitzel and there are relitives with the same blood going about thier business making Pitzel Schnitzel in austria. James Pitzel

» James Pitzel on 2005.01.15/07:00GMT+1

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