2001.12.06 :: Blindenmarkt, Austria

Thanks Dr. Joiner

My permanent retainer, which had been super-duper-duper glued on to my teeth with uv-activated glue, popped out. Shit! I'm 6,000 somethings… well a long way from my orthodontist and what to do.

Well I called my orthodontist (I hadn't even called my mom yet, she called me) to ask if I could live without it, if my teeth would all return to their horrible arrangement, if they could recommend any Austrian orthodontists…

Well Sep called their dentist and he said that he could help me out. In the office, Sep helped me translate the secretary's form only to confuse her because I didn't live in their village, let alone their country… After a bunch of German that I didn't understand I gave the dentist my retainer, a simple wire with small glue plates on the ends, and opened wide.

My orthodontist had replaced the retainer many times so I knew the process quite well. And I assumed that this dentist also knew it because he's a professional. A professional with a practice in a village of only 2000 people is what I should have thought…

He properly filled my mouth with gauss, which was good, but only before I had questions about how he was going about replacing my retainer. I had realized that he hadn't scraped the old glue from my teeth or the retainer. He brushed off my questioning grunts with "I'm the professional" grunts and glued it back in.

I was a little suspicious of the finished work because it felt a little different with more glue, but at least it was back in my mouth. Now how many arms and legs did he want me to pay with…

To my delight he said that I could just buy the office coffee and we'd call it even. I was happy that I got a good deal, but I still don't know if he gave me the deal because he was a nice guy, or if he felt bad because of his sloppy work…

I hope it doesn't come out again. But I'm sure that Dr. Joiner, my Orthodontist, will be happy to fix it up… After all, he sent me a Christmas card!

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